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Deceased prisoners of war

記事ID:0001834 更新日:2020年11月30日更新 印刷ページ表示 大きな文字で印刷ページ表示 <外部リンク>

Six prisoners died during their internment at the Himeji and Aonogahara Prisoner of War Camps, some of whom had committed suicide by jumping into the well at the camp.

“One day, a prisoner was missing at the morning roll call and a major investigation started. A sandal was discovered in front of the well fence and his handkerchief was found on the washing stand. The prisoner in the next bed remembered that he had woken up at around 5:00 am. Another prisoner climbed down the well holding onto the rope and carried up his body. He was from Kiel and everyone liked him. Representatives of the prisoners of war were allowed to attend his cremation. We had lost another comrade.”
(From Kersten’s Diary)

image: A prisoner’s grave
Photo: A prisoner’s grave (courtesy of Mr. Dieter Linke)


Probably because no one came to claim the bodies, the graves of three prisoners still remain within the Army Grave of the Nagoyama Cemetery in Himeji City.

image: Three prisoners’ graves within the Army Grave of the Nagoyama Cemetery in Himeji City
Photo: Three prisoners’ graves within the Army Grave of the Nagoyama Cemetery in Himeji City

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